Thursday, September 22, 2011


You are a juror on a murder trial. You don't really know if the defendant is innocent is guilty. Would you rather lock up an innocent person or let a murderer go free?


  1. Before doing either of both, we would listen to all sides of the story, and based on that we would a make a decision. Doing either of those two things without really knowing what happened would be unfair.

    Gabriel Garcia & Norma Mancilla

  2. Either of them is bad, because leaving a murderer free means he can kill more people, still be a murderer. But to take someones liberty it would only be cruel, so they'd both be unfair, but we'd rather let a murderer free, than take someones liberty.
    Adriana Galván and Nestor Sanchez

  3. First we would do the proper research and make sure of our conclusions and answers before making a choice as hard as that. Is not fair to lock somebody just because you're not sure of their innocence or let a guilty person free.

    By Andrea Mancilla R and Pedro Contreras R.

  4. If there is not enough prooves that he commited the murder then it would be unfair.

    Ana Victoria & Fabricio

  5. If I locked the inocent person it`s not fair,bot if I let the murderer free maybe he or she can kill more people.
    paulina and ricardo

  6. We think they should investigate more, to to what is fair. bit in order not to leave a murderer free he should be locked just for a while under conditional freedom.

    -anasofia mc & mayte ht

  7. Before choosing we would look up for information that helps us to know if the man is inocent or guily.

    Ximena Quezada and luis Briones

  8. we think we rather lock and innocent person because yes it is not fair to lock and innocent person but if you let go a murderer he will harm more people and that would be worst.


  9. we think that this is a very important theme because this perso is inocent .
    David Paloma and.....Jose Louis xD

  10. We think that if the judge isn't sure, he would have to investigate more about the case. But we should look up for an innocent person! Because if we let a murder free, nobody would be safe.
    David de Anda & Rebeca Rios
