Thursday, September 22, 2011


You are a juror on a murder trial. You don't really know if the defendant is innocent is guilty. Would you rather lock up an innocent person or let a murderer go free?


Tolerance is generally regarded as a virtue. Tolerance meaning to allow, to put up with, especially with regard to ideas or moral issues.tolerance does not mean to embrace or to even accept. In fact, it is impossible to tolerate something you like or embrace. To tolerate means that you put up with something you don't particularly like or that may even be most disgusting to you. Therefore, if I do not like a certain behavior or if I speak out against a certain lifestyle it is not accurate or fair to label me intolerant. In certain quarters today one is labeled quite intolerant if he speaks out against certain behaviors like homosexuality or abortion on demand or porn on the airwaves. But this is not intolerance because tolerance presupposes that one does not like that which he tolerates. Many people today in these various lifestyles are calling on us to embrace their sin in the name of tolerance. Tolerance does not require that we be neutral, accept, condone or embrace the evil around us.


Equality defined basically means equal rights for people regardless of what factors they might have that are different. Equality states that because they are human they must be equal.


How to be fair with others:
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Take Turns.
Tell the truth.
Play by the rules.
Think about how your actions will affect others.
Listen to people with an open mind.
Don't blame others for your mistakes.
Don't take advantage of other people.
Don't play favorites.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity
Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought. Justice can be thought of as distinct from and more fundamental than benevolence, charity, mercy, generosity or compassion.